Long Service Recognition Awards
CAMA's Long Service Recognition Awards Program recognizes and celebrates CAMA members’ dedication to public service and municipal management. These awards are based on the number of years of full-time, paid employment in municipal government in a management capacity (a Chief Administrative Officer or reporting directly to a Chief Administrative Officer). They are granted at ten years and given in five year increments and presented each Spring.
Long Service Recognition Awards
- 2024 - News Release / Recipients
- 2023 - New Release / Recipients
- 2022 - News Release / Recipients
- 2021 - News Release / Recipients
- 2020 - News Release / Recipients
- 2019 - News Release / Recipients
- 2018 - News Release / Recipients
- 2017 - News Release / Recipients
- 2016 - News Release / Recipients
- 2015 - News Release / Recipients
- 2014 - News Release / Recipients
- 2013 - News Release / Recipients
- 2012 - News Release / Recipients
Who is eligible to receive a service award and how will they be recognized?
Any Regular Member of CAMA is eligible. Membership dues must be current. New CAMA members will be awarded their long service recognition pin on their next five-year milestone.
- CAMA members who have completed ten and fifteen years of municipal service in a management capacity (a Chief Administrative Officer or reporting directly to a Chief Administrative Officer) will receive a recognition pin, appropriate to the number of years of service, with a letter from the CAMA President (and a copy to the head of Council) forwarded by the National Office via Canada Post.
- CAMA members who have completed twenty years of municipal service (or more) in a management capacity (a Chief Administrative Officer or reporting to a Chief Administrative Officer) will receive a recognition pin, appropriate to the number of years of service and a letter from the CAMA President (with a copy to the head of Council). This presentation will be made at a special ceremony at the Annual CAMA Conference with all travel costs being the responsibility of the recipient. If the recipient is unable to attend the Conference the recognition pin and letter will be forwarded by the National Office via Canada Post.
- All of the awards presented each year will be announced in a running slideshow at the Annual CAMA Conference and will also be featured in e-Brief and on the CAMA website.
How do I know if I am to receive an award?
Each year in January, CAMA generates a list of members whose records indicate that they will be eligible for service awards in that year. For the calculations, CAMA assumes that members currently employed by municipal government will still be working for municipal government through the end of that calendar year. Members are asked to review the list and contact us at admin@camacam.ca with any questions or changes.
How are service awards calculated?
All full-time appointed service with municipal government counts towards a service award, even if that service was prior to actual membership with CAMA. Please note that service does not have to be consecutive or with the same municipality.
Special CAMA Long Standing CAO Distinguished Service Award
Any CAMA member that has been in the position of Chief Administrative Officer or City Manager for twenty-five years or more and who has been a member of CAMA for at least ten years (as of January 1st of the nomination year) will be recognized and presented with a special inscribed plaque signed by the CAMA President at a special ceremony at the CAMA Annual Conference (with all travel costs being the responsibility of the recipient). A letter from the CAMA President will also be sent to the head of Council to be presented to the recipient either at a Council meeting or another form of recognition. If the recipient is unable to attend the Conference, the plaque and letter will be forwarded by the National Office via Canada Post.
This award will be made by application by the member by completing this form. Service does not have to be consecutive or with the same municipality.