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Honourary Membership for Life Award

Honourary Membership for Life Award


The Honorary Life Membership in CAMA is an honour presented by the Board of Directors to a member, past or present, who has been nominated by his or her peers.  This award recognizes an individual's commitment to advancing the objectives of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) and the contributions they've made to both the Association and the municipal profession across Canada.  It is intended to reflect honour upon CAMA as well as upon the individual.  It is only awarded in exceptional circumstances and no more than one award will be presented in any one year (unless there is a tie). 

Honourary membership is a lifetime appointment with all benefits of a Regular CAMA Member of the By-law, with the added privilege that their annual dues will be waived and that their Annual Conference registration fee will be reduced.

Previous recipients of the award include:  the late John Robison, the late Cy Armstrong, the late Robert Byron, Wes Lancaster, Murray MacLean, Paul Stapleton, Richard White, Bob Linner, Doug Lagore, Gerard Lewis, the late Cecil Vincent, Jim Toye, Doug Lychak, Ron Shaw, Duncan Campbell, Chris MacPherson, Janice Baker, and Roy Brideau.



Nominees will be considered based on the following criteria:

  • Length of time served in local government as a CAO or direct report to a CAO:  To be eligible for the award the nominee must have a minimum of ten years of service as a CAO or a direct report to a CAO.

  • Length of Service:  To be eligible for the award the nominee must currently be, or have been, a CAMA member in good standing for no less than ten years.

  • Contribution to CAMA.  It would be expected that a nominee will have made a contribution to the Association which goes beyond the normal role of an ordinary member.  Areas of contribution might include the following categories with an explanation of the impact on the work that they did:

            Board Work.  Played a leadership role in the organization as a Board member or participated on a Sub-                  Committee to animate CAMA services and offerings, or another activity.

            Membership Drive Work.  Activity engaged in outreach and promotion to extend CAMA's reach.

            Professional Development Work.  Played a critical role in professional development opportunities, was                an active leader/ambassador at the Conference, etc.

            Leadership in Local Government Administration.  Has demonstrated leadership and competency and                     has had an impact in municipal leadership and the local government administrative profession while                   promoting CAMA.

  • Ambassador to CAMA and Local Government. The nominee, as an ambassador of the Association must exhibit excellence in both personal and professional reputation:  Should display good character, general attitude and behaviour; show dedication to the value of CAMA; have commitment to the principles of CAMA; and display good leadership and role modelling which reflects credit upon CAMA.


Nomination Process

The deadline for receipt at the CAMA National Office is January 31, 2025.  Please submit the following documents to complete the nomination process:

  • Nomination Form.  The candidate must be nominated by two members in good standing of the Association (nominator and seconder; names and contact details required) completing the nomination form.
  • One-Page Submission.  The nomination must consist of a one-page submission (font size 12) outlining the nature of their support for CAMA.
  • Letters of Endorsement.  A maximum of three letters of endorsement are optional.  Each letter should be no longer than one page (12 font).  The nominator's letter (in addition to the one-page submission) may be counted in the total number submitted.

The award will be considered by the Board at its February meeting and announced at the President's Dinner at the Annual Conference.  The Award will also be announced in the CAMA e-Brief newsletter, on the Association website and through social media.

There is nothing more meaningful to a professional than to be recognized by one’s peers for a job well done.  Over the years there are many individuals who have made a difference within our profession, our organization and in the community.

All questions can be directed to:
Ms. Jennifer Goodine
Executive Director
CAMA National Office
Telephone No.:  1-866-771-2262
E-Mail Address:

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